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Michelli De Rojas
Michelli De Rojas

RPP PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 Format 1 Lembar Sesuai SE No.14 Tahun 2019

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1

RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 is a document that contains the lesson plan for the subject of civic education (PKN) for grade 8 students in the first semester. It is based on the curriculum of 2013 and follows the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this article, you will learn what is RPP 1 Lembar, how to download it, and how to use it in your teaching.

download rpp 1 lembar pkn kelas 8 semester 1


What is RPP 1 Lembar?

Definition and purpose of RPP 1 Lembar

RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan in English. It is a document that describes the objectives, activities, and assessments of a lesson. RPP 1 Lembar means that the lesson plan is simplified into one page only, instead of several pages as in the previous format. The purpose of RPP 1 Lembar is to reduce the administrative burden of teachers and to focus more on the quality of learning.

Benefits of RPP 1 Lembar for teachers and students

RPP 1 Lembar has several benefits for both teachers and students. For teachers, it can help them to:

  • Save time and energy in preparing the lesson plan

  • Have more flexibility and creativity in designing the lesson

  • Integrate the values of character education, literacy, and higher-order thinking skills in the lesson

  • Evaluate and improve their teaching performance

For students, it can help them to:

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 Revisi 2020/2021

Download RPP 1 Lembar PPKN Kelas 8 K13 2021/2022 Lengkap

Download RPP 1 Lembar PPKN SMP Kelas 8 Revisi Th 2022/2023

Download RPP 1 Lembar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Kelas 8 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013

Download RPP 1 Lembar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Kelas 8 Semester 1 K13

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester Ganjil Kurikulum 2013

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester Genap Kurikulum 2013

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Terintegrasi Literasi dan HOTS

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Terintegrasi PPK dan Keterampilan Abad 21

Download RPP 1 Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Format Word Editable

Download RPP Satu Lembar PKN Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Semester Satu dan Dua

Download RPP Satu Lembar PPKN Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Revisi Terbaru

Download RPP Satu Lembar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Sesuai SE No.14 Tahun 2019

Download RPP Satu Lembar Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Merdeka Belajar

Download RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Tematik Terpadu

Download Contoh RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Gratis dan Lengkap

Download Contoh RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Berkarakter dan Berdiferensiasi

Download Contoh RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Sekolah Penggerak

Download Contoh RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Format PDF

Download Contoh RPP Satu Lembar PKn Kelas VIII SMP/MTs Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

  • Understand the learning objectives and expectations clearly

  • Engage in various learning activities that suit their needs and interests

  • Develop their knowledge, skills, and attitudes in civic education

  • Achieve the learning outcomes and standards

How to download RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1?

Sources and links for downloading RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1

If you are looking for RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1, you can find it from various sources online. Some of the sources are:

  • The official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) at

  • The official website of the Center for Curriculum and Books (Puskurbuk) at

  • The official website of the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education (Ditjen Dikdasmen) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Islamic Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Islam) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Christian Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Kristen) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Catholic Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Katolik) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Hindu Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Hindu) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Buddhist Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Buddha) at

  • The official website of the Directorate General of Confucian Education (Ditjen Pendidikan Konghucu) at

  • Other websites that provide RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 for free or paid, such as

Tips and steps for downloading RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1

Before you download RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1, you should consider some tips and steps to make sure you get the best and most suitable document for your teaching. Here are some tips and steps for downloading RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1:

  • Choose a reliable and trusted source that provides RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1. You can check the credibility and reputation of the source by looking at the reviews, ratings, comments, and feedback from other users.

  • Compare and contrast different versions and formats of RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 from different sources. You can look at the content, layout, design, language, and alignment of the document with the curriculum and standards.

  • Select the version and format of RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 that suits your needs and preferences. You can consider the ease of use, accessibility, compatibility, and customization of the document.

  • Download the RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 by clicking on the link or button provided by the source. You may need to register, login, or pay a fee to access the document.

  • Save the RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 in your device or cloud storage. You can also print it out if you prefer a hard copy.

  • Review and revise the RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 according to your teaching context and objectives. You can modify, add, or delete any parts of the document as you see fit.

How to use RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1?

Components and structure of RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1

RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1 has six main components that form its structure. These components are:


IdentityThis component contains the basic information about the lesson plan, such as the school name, grade level, subject, semester, theme, sub-theme, learning focus, meeting number, time allocation, and date.

Learning objectivesThis component contains the specific and measurable statements that describe what students are expected to know, do, and feel by the end of the lesson.

Learning materialsThis component contains the content and concepts that students need to learn in the lesson. It also includes the sources and references that support the learning materials.

Learning activitiesThis component contains the sequence of steps and tasks that students and teachers need to do in the lesson. It also includes the methods, strategies, techniques, and media that are used to facilitate the learning activities.

Learning assessmentThis component contains the tools and criteria that are used to measure and evaluate the students' achievement of the learning objectives. It also includes the feedback and remediation that are given to the students based on the assessment results.

Learning reflectionThis component contains the questions and prompts that are used to guide the students to reflect on their learning process and outcomes. It also includes the self-evaluation and improvement plan that are made by the students based on their reflection.

Examples and activities of RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1

To give you a better idea of how to use RPP 1 Lembar PKN Kelas 8 Semester 1, here are some examples and activities that you can do in your teaching. These examples and activities are based on the theme of "The Role of Citizens in Democracy" and the sub-theme of "The Rights and Obligations of Citizens".

For the learning objectives, you can write statements such as:

  • Students can explain the meaning and importance of citizenship in a democratic country.

  • Students can identify and classify the rights and obligations of citizens in Indonesia.

  • Students can demonstrate their responsibility and participation as citizens in various contexts.

  • Students can appreciate and respect the diversity and equality of citizens in Indonesia.

For the learning materials, you can write content and concepts such as:

  • The definition and characteristics of citizenship in a democratic country.

  • The sources and principles of citizenship rights and obligations in Indonesia.

  • The types and examples of citizenship rights and obligations in Indonesia.

  • The challenges and opportunities of citizenship rights and obligations in Indonesia.

For the learning activities, you can write steps and tasks such as:

  • Opening: The teacher greets the students, reviews the previous lesson, presents the learning objectives, and motivates the students to learn.

Main activity: The teacher divides the students into groups of fo


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